Recent Juvenile Crime Statistics and How Criminal Law Comes into Play

A juvenile in the court system is defined as a person younger than 18 years of age who has committed a crime. The juvenile justice system was developed as a way to prosecute the criminal acts of children without exposing them to an adult court and prison system. It is also believed that juveniles have a better chance of rehabilitation, …

Getting Help for Your Drug Addiction

Drug addiction to any substance can lead to serious consequences, not only legally but emotionally, physically, and financially. When you are suffering from addiction, you may easily find yourself unemployed, distrusted, estranged from your family, and on the wrong side of the law. You should visit this drug detox Arizona Center so you can receive the best treatment available. If …

Handling a Juvenile Charge for Rape

Being charged with rape or another sex offense is a grave matter for anyone to deal with, especially for a juvenile. These kinds of allegations can be both traumatic and life-changing, so it’s important that you, as a responsible adult involved in the life of a child who is facing a serious juvenile charge, make certain decisions on his or her …

Vehicular Homicide Criminal Defense

Vehicular homicide, also known as vehicular manslaughter, is the death of a person (or fatal injury to a fetus caused by injury to the pregnant mother) caused by a motor accident that was the result of reckless or unlawful driving. The law is outlined in Florida Statute 782.071.   Burden of Proof in a Vehicular Homicide Case In order for …