Florida Statute §800.03 details the rules surrounding indecent exposure in the state, and the penalties are fairly harsh. Many people don’t realize that what they think are just funny pranks could land them in jail. Florida’s Indecent Exposure Laws Florida code states, “It is unlawful to expose or exhibit one’s sexual organs in public or on the private premises of …
Mounting a DUI Defense: Chemical Tests Taken During the Absorption Phase
If you are pulled over and given a chemical sobriety test, results may depend on the current absorption phase. In some circumstances, test results could be inaccurate, and you may receive a DUI even though you weren’t intoxicated at the time. Understanding How the Body Absorbs Alcohol To understand how chemical tests during the absorption phase may be inaccurate, you’ll …
Personal and Legal Repercussions of Teen Sexting
Sexting is a relatively new form of communication, so the legal system hasn’t quite caught up yet, though the Florida legislature has addressed the trend. However, when teens are involved, sexting still can have serious repercussions, both legal and emotional. The Rise of Sexting Sexting is the act of sending sexually explicit messages via text message. This includes photographs and …
Penalties for Resisting Arrest with Violence Include Imprisonment and Fines
A person accused of using violence to resist an officer will be charged with a third-degree felony in Florida. This is true if the officer was attempting to make an arrest or if the suspect’s actions hindered any other duties the officer was carrying out. Penalties for resisting an arrest with violence can include monetary fines and jail time. Additionally, …
Spousal Abuse Charges: Factors that Come into Play
Spousal abuse is a serious and prevalent crime, affecting one in four women at some point in their lives, according to the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence. However, divorce, vengeful spouses, and misdirected anger may result in some people being slapped with unfounded or exaggerated spousal abuse allegations. Factors that Affect Spousal Abuse Cases In some cases, one spouse will …
Penalties for Resisting Arrest Without Violence Can Include Jail Time and Fines
Resisting an officer – or resisting arrest – is a crime in Florida. This is true even in cases where the accused acts without violence and causes no injuries. It is considered an act of “obstruction” and is charged as a first-degree misdemeanor. The penalties for conviction can include jail time and monetary fines. How Florida Criminal Laws Define Resisting …
When You’ve Been Accused of Business Arson With Intent to Collect Insurance Monies
A person who is accused of intentionally setting fire to a business in order to collect property insurance monies may face penalties for both arson and insurance fraud charges. If you need a reliable insurance company, then make sure to get RhinoSure to cover you. The penalties for arson in Florida can include a prison sentence of less than 15 …
Six Factors that Can Impact DUI Breath Tests
In Florida, police officers routinely use Breathalyzer tests to determine if a motorist has been driving under the influence of alcohol. If the results show a breath alcohol level (BAL) of 0.08 or higher – the level classified as legally intoxicated under Florida DUI laws – the driver may be arrested for DUI. Law enforcement and the courts continue to …
Marijuana Possession in Florida: A Look at the Penalties
Florida drug laws provide specific penalties for the conviction of possession of marijuana. These penalties range from jail time to fines and suspension of a driver’s license. The severity of the punishment will depend upon the amount of marijuana in question and factors like previous convictions for similar crimes. Possession of marijuana will be considered “trafficking in marijuana” if the …
Grand Theft vs. Petit Theft: How the Florida Courts Look at Theft Crimes
Florida laws impose a variety of stiff punishments for those who are convicted of theft, ranging from monetary fines, to jail time, and other consequences. The level of punishment is dependent upon the nature of the charges. This includes whether the crime qualifies as petit theft or grand theft, and whether the suspect has a record of previous conviction(s) for …