If you are charged with DUI, talk to a Miami criminal defense attorney. Police officers are trained to look for signs of intoxication at sobriety checkpoints.
Miami Criminal Defense Attorney Looks at Sobriety and DUI Apps
A Miami criminal defense attorney explores some of the sobriety and DUI apps popping up. Remember, these apps are for entertainment purposes.
Five Ways to Avoid a DUI in Fort Lauderdale
In Florida, a conviction for Driving Under the Influence (DUI) can carry penalties such as imprisonment, probation, and heavy fines. Worse still, you could be charged with vehicular homicide if you end up killing someone while drunk driving. There are several alternatives get home if you’ve had too much to drink. If you have been charged with drunk driving in …
Talking to Employers about Your DUI
Reporting a DUI and How Miami-Dade Criminal Defense Lawyers Can Help Getting a DUI, or a driving under the influence charge, can have a serious effect on your life. Not only is your license revoked, rendering you without transportation, but you may have fines to pay, community service to complete, and a criminal record that may make it difficult to …
Explaining Your DUI to Your Children
A driving under the influence (DUI) charge may have a significant impact on your life. In addition to worrying about the penalties you may face if convicted and your license suspension, you may also have to deal with questions and reactions from those closest to you. One of the biggest concerns many parents have is how to explain their DUI …
Attorney in Dade County Discusses Factors that Lead to a DUI
Receiving a DUI and forging a criminal defense in Dade County is the last thing you want when driving home from a night out with friends or a family’s backyard barbeque. In Florida, you are considered legally impaired if your blood alcohol concentration (BAC) is .08 percent or higher. How it gets there depends on several factors. Well, some people …
Miami Criminal Defense Attorney Discusses Reasons for Being Pulled Over
A Miami criminal defense attorney can help if you are facing DUI charges. Learn why a police officer may pull you over and administer a sobriety test.
DUI Conviction Will Revoke License and Mandate DUI School
A DUI conviction in Florida requires you attend DUI school. In Miami, a criminal defense team may be able to help you avoid a DUI conviction. Otherwise, you will need to find state-approved schools to complete the court’s mandated DUI course to get your license back. Driver’s License Revocation and Convictions The state of Florida mandates that anyone with …
Can a breathalyzer test in Florida be faulty?
A breathalyzer can be used to prove the presence of alcohol. However, the test results could be faulty, which may be your defense if you use a criminal defense lawyer.
Breathalyzers in a DUI in Miami
A breathalyzer can be one component to showing evidence of a DUI in Miami. If you were charged, contact a criminal defense lawyer for help defending yourself.