If you’ve been convicted of a DUI in Miami, you may be eligible to apply for a hardship license under certain conditions. To do so, you must apply for a hearing through the Administrative Reviews Office where you live. It’s recommended that you consult with a Florida DUI lawyer before your hearing so that you are fully prepared to respond to the inquiries that will be put to you.
You can find the office closest to you by going to the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles’ website and selecting Office Locations, and then selecting your county. The Administrative Reviews Office will be listed beneath “Under Suspension – Need Driver’s License for Work.”
You will only be eligible for a hardship license under the following circumstances:
- your first DUI conviction;
- your second DUI within 5 years, but only after you’ve served 1 year of the suspension; and
- your third DUI within 10 years, but only after you’ve served 2 years of the suspension.
In addition, you will be required to completeDUISchooland receive treatment or mandatory counseling. Failure to complete yourDUISchoolprogram successfully or to miss one counseling or treatment session will result in the automatic cancellation of your hardship license.
Furthermore, if you blew a .15 or greater in your blood alcohol content test, or if a minor was in your vehicle at the time you were stopped for a DUI, you will be required to have your car fitted with an ignition interlock device for at least 6 months.
Keep in mind that a hardship license will allow you to go only to work, the doctor’s, the hospital, or to get groceries.
Contacting a South Florida DUI Lawyer
If you are facing a DUI in Miamiand wish to get your license back, your legal team is your best defense. The defense team you choose to represent you in court, defend your rights, and relentlessly pursue your case could be the difference between jail time and getting on with your life. Contact a South Florida DUI lawyer at Falk & Ross for a no-cost evaluation of your case – 1-877-663-5110.