A juvenile crime classified as a first-time offense nonviolent misdemeanor may be expunged from your Florida criminal record if you complete the necessary paperwork, pay a $75 fee, provide fingerprint identification, and complete a pre-arrest or post-arrest diversion program.
Expunging a juvenile crime from your Florida criminal record can be much more difficult if the juvenile crime was more advanced than a nonviolent misdemeanor. In some cases these charges may be permanent on your Florida criminal record, but in others they may be able to be removed. In most cases, a first offense is easily removed, but subsequent juvenile crimes may not be so easy.
A simple juvenile crime of a nonviolent misdemeanor can normally be removed from your Florida criminal record through fees, forms and compliance with the Florida Department of Law Enforcement. More advanced juvenile crimes may require the help of a Miami juvenile defense attorney to file a petition for record expungement.
If you have a Florida criminal record with a juvenile crime, even if you are still considered a minor, you can benefit from discussing your options for expungement with a Miami juvenile defense attorney. If your appeal for expungement of your juvenile crime is denied, your attorney can help you resolve the issue and work on clearing your Florida criminal record.
Contacting a Miami Juvenile Defense Attorney
You are entitled to know all your legal rights before being prosecuted for any suspected criminal activity – including your right to legal representation. If you are facing criminal charges in South Florida, your legal team is your best defense. Contact the South Florida juvenile defense team at Falk & Ross to discuss your case – 877-663-5110.