What Constitutes a DUI in Florida?

Florida statues state that DUI is the offense of driving under the influence of alcoholic beverages, chemical substances, or controlled substances. This offense is proven by the impairment of normal faculties, or the unlawful blood alcohol or breath alcohol level of .08 or above. 

This means that if you are deemed impaired during roadside sobriety tests, or if your blood/breath alcohol level registers at .08 or above, then an officer may arrest you and charge you with a Florida DUI.  

No matter which substance is found in your system in a Florida DUI, the offense will be the same. Penalties will depend upon the level of intoxication, whether anyone was injured or killed in the incident, and whether it was a repeat offense. 

These DUI penalties can include fines, license suspensions, and the possibility of time in jail. Anyone who is convicted of a Florida DUI will face probation and forced to participate in a DUI program. This includes a minimum of 50 hours of community service, and a state-certified DUI school. Failure to complete the required program will result in a loss of driving privileges. 

If you have recently been charged with a DUI in Florida, you should not plead guilty until you have consulted with an experienced Miami DUI defense attorney. To learn more about Florida’s DUI laws and what penalties you may face, you can visit our article An Overview of Florida DUI Laws and Penalties

The penalties for DUI in Florida are severe. Don’t leave your future solely in the hands of the court. The Miami DUI defense attorneys at Falk & Ross Law Firm know the importance of a solid defense in your drunk driving case and we will fight for your rights every step of the way. Contact us today – 1-877-663-5110.