When You Are Charged With Shoplifting

When you’re charged with shoplifting in Miami it’s considered either petit or grand theft under the Florida statutes. The Florida shop lifting charges can be serious depending on the nature of the crime, and you may find yourself facing felony charges. Without the help of an experienced criminal defense attorney you could be unnecessarily accepting the maximum punishment for your crime.

There are many factors that are taken into consideration when you’re charged with shoplifting inMiami. Your past criminal history, the value of the merchandise taken, and your conduct upon arrest are just a few of the things the judge looks at when determining your Florida shoplifting charges.


Difference Between Petty and Grand Theft

Being charged with shoplifting in Miami isn’t just a cut and dry case. When determining your Florida shoplifting charges the judge will look at the value of the merchandise you attempted to take. The value of the items will determine if you’re charged with petit theft, which is a misdemeanor, or grand theft which is a felony.

Merchandise valued under $100 is considered petit theft of the 2nd degree and results in Florida shoplifting charges equal to a 2nd degree misdemeanor. This can result in criminal penalties of up to 60 days in jail and fines up to $500. When the value of the merchandise is more than $100 but less than $300 it’s petit theft of the 1st degree, a 1st degree misdemeanor. This can result in jail time up to 1 year and fines up to $1,000.

If you’re charged with shoplifting in Miami for merchandise valued over $300 but less than $5,000 it’s grand theft of the 3rd degree which is a 3rd degree felony. This comes with the potential for serious penalties, including jail time up to 5 years and fines up to $5,000.


Fighting Florida Shoplifting Charges

Upon your arrest when being charged with shoplifting in Miami you have the right to a criminal defense attorney. You should exercise this right immediately to avoid further incriminating yourself and making your situation worse. An experienced attorney can help you understand your situation and explain how to work toward the best outcome for your future.

You don’t have to accept the maximum penalties for Florida shoplifting charges without a fight. Your criminal defense attorney can help you seek a reduced sentence and argue your case to help protect your rights. Regardless of the circumstances of the crime, you can’t be denied your right to legal representation and a fair trial when you’re charged with shoplifting in Miami.