What is Petit Theft?

Even though it’s classified as a misdemeanor, a petit theft charge in Florida can lead to serious consequences, including fines and jail time, if you’re convicted of such charges in Miami or elsewhere in the state. Theft defense lawyers in Miami can review your case to pursue appropriate avenues to represent you throughout the legal process. A mark like that …

Florida County Court System Overview

Miami-Dade criminal law cases can be lengthy and complex, and there are many procedures of which you should be aware. Knowing about county jurisdiction and how it affects your case can help you prepare for the process better. Contact a criminal defense attorney for questions about the process in Florida. Overview of the Court System The court system in Florida …

False Accusations of Sexual Exploitation, Abuse

Many people expect to have a professional relationship between themselves and their doctor, teacher, coach, lawyer or priest. However, from the shocking stories we hear and read about in the news, claims of sexual exploitation by helping professionals are on the rise. Many professionals are crossing the line and taking advantage of their power over the people who trust them. …

Federal and State Drug Laws

Facing drug charges in Miami? A drug attorney knows that you could be facing significant time in prison and fines depending on the type of drug and the specific charges. Knowing Florida drug laws as well as federal laws can help you understand the serious implications of your circumstances. Federal Drug Laws Controlled substances such as ecstasy, heroin, cocaine, methamphetamine …

The Downside of Using Public Defenders

Arrested in Miami? Who will serve as defense lawyer to represent you throughout your case? Many people are concerned about the costs associated with retaining legal representation after their arrest. While a public defender may seem like the best alternative if money is an issue, there may be certain disadvantages when using these attorneys. Qualifying for a Public Defender Not …