Charges of Gang Rape: Definitions and Consequences

If you feel that you have been falsely accused of rape, or falsely named as a perpetrator in a multiple-offender rape, contact a defense attorney at Miami’s Falk & Ross law firm immediately. Rape is a very serious charge, not only because of the hefty penalties associated with it, but also because of the lifelong stigma created by a guilty …

Five Ways to Avoid a DUI in Fort Lauderdale

In Florida, a conviction for Driving Under the Influence (DUI) can carry penalties such as imprisonment, probation, and heavy fines. Worse still, you could be charged with vehicular homicide if you end up killing someone while drunk driving. There are several alternatives get home if you’ve had too much to drink. If you have been charged with drunk driving in …

Relationship with Your South Florida Criminal Defense Attorney

When you’re involved in a criminal case, like Florida underage alcohol consumption, having the right attorney can make all the difference, seek help from George Collins P.A.. Florida has a lot of different laws regarding criminal cases and the right South Florida criminal defense attorney will help you get the outcome that you deserve. Of course, it’s going to be …

Talking to Employers about Your DUI

Reporting a DUI and How Miami-Dade Criminal Defense Lawyers Can Help Getting a DUI, or a driving under the influence charge, can have a serious effect on your life. Not only is your license revoked, rendering you without transportation, but you may have fines to pay, community service to complete, and a criminal record that may make it difficult to …

Explaining Your DUI to Your Children

A driving under the influence (DUI) charge may have a significant impact on your life. In addition to worrying about the penalties you may face if convicted and your license suspension, you may also have to deal with questions and reactions from those closest to you. One of the biggest concerns many parents have is how to explain their DUI …